Key Elements On Prevention and Control of COVID-19 in Taiwan

活動名稱 Key Elements On Prevention and Control of COVID-19 in Taiwan
報名期間 2020.05.19 至 2020.05.26
活動時間 2020.05.27(三) 10:00 - 11:00
活動地點 Webinar
辦理單位 Society for Clinical Research Sites、中國醫藥大學附設醫院臨床試驗中心
連絡電話 04-2205-2121 ext.1476
課程費用 免費
報名名額 1000人
承辦人 藍珮慈



Society for Clinical Research Sites (簡稱SCRS) 為提供全球臨床研究機構發聲管道,建立一個臨床試驗執行機構(Site)、受託研究機構(CRO)及藥廠(Sponsor)之間積極合作與交流的平台。本院臨床試驗中心與SCRS將於2020年5月27日(週三)上午10:00~11:00共同舉辦COVID-19系列演講,本次邀請台大兒童醫院小兒部李秉穎醫師針對「Key Elements On Prevention and Control of COVID-19 in Taiwan」進行全球同步線上演講,課程完全免費,歡迎報名參加。


What can we learn from past epidemics to help manage the COVID-19 pandemic more efficiently and effectively? Explore how the difficulties and losses experienced during the SARS outbreak of 2003 shaped Taiwan to be recognized as one of the countries that other states are beginning to learn from as the world fights this COVID-19 pandemic.

In this webinar, Professor Ping-Ing Lee, MD, PhD will discuss key elements instituted by Taiwan to prevent and control COVID-19 infection. From mandatory educational courses related to infection control to how Clinical physicians who worked for the Taiwan CDC were instrumental in the setup and the execution of preventive strategies for COVID-19. With only 9 confirmed cases without an identifiable source of COVID-19 infection as of May 8, 2020, explore how Taiwan’s quick and efficient response early on enabled effective contact tracing for all identified persons.

最後更新:2020-05-26 15:08:27