Crisis and Opportunities of Post-Pandemic Clinical Trials in Taiwan

活動名稱 Crisis and Opportunities of Post-Pandemic Clinical Trials in Taiwan
報名期間 2021.07.28 至 2022.04.18
活動時間 2022.04.19(二) 09:00 - 10:00
活動地點 Webinar
辦理單位 Society for Clinical Research Sites、中國醫藥大學附設醫院臨床試驗中心
連絡電話 04-2205-2121 ext.1474
課程費用 免費
報名名額 1000人
承辦人 汪庭羽



Society for Clinical Research Sites(簡稱SCRS)為提供全球臨床研究機構發聲管道,建立一個臨床試驗執行機構(Site)、受託研究機構(CRO)及藥廠(Sponsor)之間積極合作與交流的平台。

本院臨床試驗中心許重義教授自105年起擔任SCRS台灣大使,本次協助邀請美商默沙東藥廠「黃麗榕Keris」臨床試驗執行總監 參與2022 SCRS Taiwan online webinar,將於台灣時間4月19日(二)上午9:00~10:00以「Crisis and Opportunities of Post-Pandemic Clinical Trials in Taiwan」為主題進行全球線上直播會議。





This webinar will address Taiwanese post-pandemic opportunities illustrated through the study flow from site selection to the end of study. Under different study phases, we will identify challenges and opportunities post-COVID-19. The session will conclude with some recommendations from sponsors’ points of view to build a better clinical trial environment in Taiwan and to encourage everyone to think ahead and prepare for the future. Join us for a journey through the study flow:

1. Feasibility to Site Ready

2. Ongoing phase: Subject enrollment & Monitoring

3. Quality Control: Oversight Process & Audit/ Inspectio


最後更新:2022-04-19 17:26:17